RGA's Promote Yourself Newsletter for December

Gratitude for a Future Where We’re Smarter

As we approach the end of 2023, we have the opportunity, while our businesses slow to make room for the holiday season, to look back over the course of the past year and reflect upon those things we should be grateful for. This is something I try to do every year at this time.

Those of us who work primarily in the real estate industry, with the multi-year downturn and the real estate commission settlements, may find little in the past year to be thankful for. I think that’s short sighted.

It’s understandable, of course. We have families to feed, bills to pay. Change, especially change that we do not initiate is scary, and often painful.

And yet, I think that since we cannot stop it, we should choose to be grateful for it. Why? Because any change we survive will make us stronger.

I know. How very Neitzsche of me.

You don’t have to be a philosopher to see the wisdom in this. Change, when properly viewed, is a source of mild stress. Medical professionals know that low-level stressors stimulate the production of brain chemicals called neurotrophins and strengthen the connections between neurons in the brain.

As I look back over the past year, I see many changes impacting me and the people I care about. I don’t know where they will take us, but I choose to believe that wherever we are bound, we’re going to be smarter when we get there.

How SMART Are Your Goals?

I think a lot of people say “goal” and mean pretty much the same thing they mean when they say “dream” or “New Year’s Resolution.” They are not the same thing.

Most of us in the business world have heard of SMART Goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. For my money, I usually do pretty well just setting M Goals. It has to be measurable or you’ll never know when you achieve it. Not so sure about the other things.

I know. Sacrilege!

You can get pretty specific for short term goals, because you can practically see them from here. But the Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals that we should be setting are likely to take longer to achieve and that distance can make them fuzzy. Don’t worry, it’s the tasks along the route that need to be clearly focused and they’ll come into focus as we go.

I have a real problem with achievable and realistic goals. If you can achieve it, it’s not really a goal at all. It’s a task. Not a bad thing but it’s not like you have to put much thought into it. The beauty of goal setting is that it forces us to imagine a world that probably doesn’t look very realistic at all from where we are today. Good. It will force us to grow into someone for whom our goals are more realistic.

I’m a big believer in seeing what we want in the fullness of time. Setting a deadline can help us work backwards and set deadlines for each of our objectives, milestones and tasks. But no one knows for sure when we’ll cross that line. Sure, some hard core leaders will push their team hard for the goal, but unless they are well loved and great communicators, they’re just as likely to burn out their teams and fail.

What does it really take to set and achieve good goals? I’ll be talking about that next month. Or you can reach out to me and I’ll give you a free preview.

Get a Jump On Your
2024 Communications Plan

As we approach the end of the year, your internal communications professionals are thinking about their plans for next year. Will we publish any white papers, eBooks, fact sheets? How many press releases will be put out and what news are they likely to feature? They may be thinking about an email newsletter or even an annual report that looks like a magazine.

If you walk into the marketing department, you’re likely to find white boards full of ideas and cork boards covered with great examples to emulate in 2024.

Of all of the ideas available, press releases are the simplest. All you need is one newsy nugget and you can build a very effective marketing message around it. We have a bunch of ideas we use in service to our clients.

If you are looking to brainstorm some ideas for your 2024 program, give us a call. We’d be pleased to help.

We want to give a shoutout to some good friends who have released news during the past month, in case you missed it.

Branding Lessons from Companies that Don't Exist

Smart marketers take their lessons wherever they find them. They are always learning. And it doesn’t have to be the real world that serves as their classroom.

One place smart marketers go to find inspiration is the movies. Here is a list of fictitious brands that are surprisingly well developed. See what you can learn from make believe companies that got millions of people to willingly suspend their disbelief.

How to get help with your own promotional efforts.

For many more ideas for getting your company more attention, visit our website at https://www.rga-pr.com. For help promoting your business, contact us anytime.

RGA Public Relations

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