Promote Yourself & Your Business Newsletter

Promote Yourself & Your Business Newsletter

For business owners and marketing managers

By Rick Grant

Growing Your Business this Spring

Some businesses naturally see more activity in the springtime. The real estate industry, where RGA does much of its business, generally sees an uptick during what is typically referred to as the Spring Homebuying Season. That industry is dealing with some issues that might dampen activity this spring, but it will surely be more active than it was over the winter.

Many businesses are like this. People who have been cooped up and suffering from cabin fever all winter are excited to get out and do things. And buy things. Can your business benefit from this?

Of course, it can. Here are some things you can consider:

Refresh Your Marketing Strategy

Spring is the time for new things and choosing a new approach to your marketing is a perfect place to start. Remember, your marketing tactics can change, but your branding should not.

Launch Something New

Put what you offer together in a new way or add something that creates a new offering for your customer base. You can even rebrand a product you already offer. Just be sure to share the news.

Participate in a Community Event

Is there something happening in your community that you can take part in? It could be a conference of some kind, perhaps a home show or bridal show. Get out in the community. It will win you business.

Get your team together and brainstorm some ideas. By the end of the month, most places around the country are going to be looking very different than they have all winter. Maybe your business should, too.

Happy with Your Brand? Are Your Customers?

Working in the real estate industry, for the most part, we’ve been paying a great deal of attention to the commission lawsuits that have been popping up around the country and the effect they are having on real estate companies. Specifically, we’re watching to see what these companies will do to repair the damage these suits are doing to their brands.

I’ll be running a branding workshop for real estate agents and brokers at the upcoming RE:Ignite conference produced by Weekly Real Estate News coming up at the end of April. I’ll be very interested in how motivated this group of business people is to engage in some brand RE:pair. If you’re in the business, be sure to join us in Salt Lake City.

What about your business? When was the last time you performed a Brand Audit to find out what your customers (and partners and employees) think of your brand?

Your brand is rather like your nose. You know it’s there, but you can’t see it without a mirror. The people who interact with your company are that mirror and if you aren’t talking to them about your brand, you’re working blind.

If you’re thinking about doing some brand maintenance, or even launching a new brand, check out our Leaders Guide to Effective Branding. And then go talk to your customers.

Practicing Your Executive Pitch

Business owners and managers talk about their businesses a lot. So, suggesting that they need to practice more may seem silly. And yet, with more opportunities to talk about their business than ever before, thanks mostly to the explosion of podcasts, these leaders are being called on more often for their comments.

Approaching these opportunities without adequate preparation can turn them into disasters.

Each speaking opportunity requires a different approach and calls for the sharing of different information. Having speaking points outlined in advance is a great first step. After that, it’s just a matter of more practice.

Are you in need of some practice delivering your company’s line? Contact us about appearing on our Strategic Targeting Podcast. It’s free if you’re chosen to appear on the show. It’s a great way to get your pitch ironed out and ready to deliver to your next audience.

RGA Clients in the News

We want to give a shoutout to some good friends who have released news during the past month, in case you missed it.

Energy Realty Chooses Blok for Back-Office Outsourcing

Mortgage Cadence Launches MCP Version 4.0

More News

Is Your Targeting Computer On?

In Star Wars I, for those of you who were not in the theater with us when it came out in the late 70s, the hero finally commits to The Force when he switches off his space fighter targeting computer and trusts himself to take the shot. It works out fine for Luke Skywalker (sorry for the spoiler), but it may not work as well for modern marketers.

In a recent article on Addicted 2 Success entitled, “Here’s Why Your Digital Marketing Efforts Fail and What to Do About It,” contributor Ted Chong talks about a key distinction between traditional and modern marketing. In a word, it’s targeting.

There is no secret mystical force that can make the old ways of marketing work in a fully connected, always-on digital marketplace. Check out the article. I hope you find it helpful.

For many more ideas for getting your company more attention, visit our website at For help promoting your business, contact us anytime.

809 N. 8th Street, Suite 208, Sheboygan, WI 53081
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