Promote Yourself & Your Business Newsletter

Promote Yourself & Your Business Newsletter

For business owners and marketing managers

By Rick Grant

Focus on Your Brand by Living the Brand

This is the time of year when garden centers and home improvement centers line up their most impressive plants for sale to those who love the spring planting season. Plant buyers seek out nurseries they know are living the brand. My wife is a member of this group.

She knows all the plants on sight, the colors they come in, how hard they are to re-pot and grow, and how much they should cost. When it comes to flower brands, she knows her stuff.

But, in fairness, plants make that easy, if you pay attention. Their flowers are all different, as are their stems and the shape of their leaves. They don’t pretend to be anything but what they are. They proudly live up to their brands.

Can we say the same?

The Critical Importance of Trust in Marketing Communication

Those of us involved in promoting companies spend a lot of time making sure we have our messaging right. We don’t want to leave out a feature or benefit, fail to differentiate our company from any competitor or miss out on making the very best offers. But I wonder if we spend enough time building trust in our marketing communication.

In a world inundated with marketing noise, trust becomes the cornerstone of genuinely impactful communication. It's not just about reaching a wide audience but engaging them in a meaningful way that prompts action. The question then becomes: How can marketers forge this crucial trust with their business prospects?

A Guide to Brand Consistency

Once a company crystallizes its branding strategy, defining the persona it wishes to present to the market, the next pivotal step is to ensure that every action, every piece of content, and every communication aligns with that defined brand image.

A brand kit serves as the compass guiding this journey, ensuring that every team member, across departments, adheres to the brand's core identity. But what exactly makes up this indispensable toolkit?

A brand kit is more than just a collection of logos and color palettes; it's the DNA of your brand encapsulated in a set of guidelines and tools. It ensures consistency, which is crucial for building recognition and trust with your audience.

Here's what a typical brand kit includes:

RGA Clients in the News

We want to give a shoutout to some good friends who have released news during the past month, in case you missed it.

Technology Can Be a Sail or an Anchor

By: Joe Camerieri

CreditXpert’s new platform makes lenders more competitive

By: Mike Darne

More News

Better Slides Tell Better Stories

We’ve all heard people in business ridicule their peers for bad presentations. The “Death by PowerPoint'' concept is well known. Despite all of that, most of us who are promoting anything are going to use some kind of presentation. It behooves us to get better with the medium.

MIT Sloan Management Review has weighed in on the matter and provided tips for creating better slide presentations. Check it out, build a new deck, and let us know how it goes.

How to get help with your own promotional efforts.

For many more ideas for getting your company more attention, visit our website at For help promoting your business, contact us anytime.

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