Welcome to RGA's Promote Yourself Newsletter for November

Promote Yourself & Your Business Newsletter

For business owners and marketing managers

By Rick Grant

Now that RGA has clients around the globe, we’re learning about a lot of new holidays. About the time I’m writing this, our friends in India are celebrating Diwali, for example. But if you’re doing business primarily here in the U.S., then you know we are entering The Holiday Season.

We’re communication pros, but we’re not going to tell you whether it’s Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or something else. For us it’s the thought behind the message that counts, especially during the holidays.

So, visit with your content development team and find out what they’re working on for November and December. They’ll likely tell that most of your sales targets are going to be taking off a lot of time during this period, and they’ll be right, but some of them will see your message.

What will your holiday message be this year?

For many here in America, the last couple of years have been a bit uncertain. Sure, the economy still seems to be strong, but so is inflation. You can’t turn on the television without hearing another economist warning of the coming recession. You could talk about any of that and get pretty close to the mark.

But that’s not what your prospects want to read. Certainly not during the holidays.

Tell them why they matter to you, why you’re in this business and why you’re dedicated to their success. Thank them for reading your messages and for considering you in the year ahead. Wish them well. Send good cheer and wishes for good health to their families. And mean it. They’ll like that.

Happy Holidays from RGA.

Take Control of Your Own Corporate News

We do a lot of work with our clients designed to help them craft stories and bylined articles that will resonate with magazine editors so they’ll get picked up. It’s rewarding work, given that we work with really smart people. But it’s only one of getting your corporate stories told.

Corporate newsletters have come in and fallen out of favor more times than we can count over the years. Whether they are a hot or not to critics, they are always powerful if well written, well targeted and distributed effectively to a company’s target audience.

The best thing about a newsletter is that you control everything about it, from what goes in to where and when it goes out. Granted, you have to be appealing to a market that still has a death grip on their email inbox to win with an email newsletter, but tools like Substack, ConvertKit (the tool we use) and others can put your newsletter out to your audience in a number of ways.

If you’re considering launching (or relaunching) your company newsletter, reach out to us. We’d love to help.

3 Reasons to Podcast with RGA

One of the tools we suggest to all of the thought leaders we work with is the podcast, either as a guest or host. We started our own because we saw a gap in what others were providing. Plenty of good tactical information out there, but not much on strategy. We want to change that and here are three reasons you should help by coming on the show.

  1. When customers understand that you think strategically, they’ll have more trust in you and what you bring to the table.
  2. When you highlight a strategic opportunity for your prospects, you add value that can make them more successful.
  3. Every time your executives are seen and heard it strengthens your corporate brand in the marketplace.

See some great examples on our website: https://rga-pr.com/category/strategic-targeting-podcast/

The Strategic Targeting podcast is an easy way to get into the pool. The show only lasts about 12 minutes or so, on average, and poses four questions about an issue our guests think is of strategic importance.

Describe this important issue to us.

Tell us why this issue should be a strategic imperative now.

Tell us what our listeners risk if they don’t move on this issue.

Tell us what opportunities await those who do.

It’s just that easy and it gives you a chance to speak directly to the people you would like to be doing business with. To find out more, email Candice at candice.lapoint@rga-pr.com.

RGA Clients in the News

Some of the companies that were breaking news last month.

National MI Expands its Integration with Mortgage Cadence

The power of credit optimization

More News:

MortgageFlex -Is the Mortgage Servicing Space in Need of a Reset?

Mortgage Cadence: All six MIs now integrated with Mortgage Cadence's LFC

Measuring Presentation Success

Part of doing business, especially on the sales side, is providing effective demonstrations for your prospects. But how can you know if they are any good? The obvious answer is that if it results in a sale, you did good. But what if it almost gets you the sale? How do you know what went wrong?

Recently, MITSloan Management Review published a piece on this very topic. In “The Real Measure of Presentation Success,” Nancy Duarte explains that when many organizations flipped from in-person to virtual and hybrid meetings and events, presentation analytics became a whole new ballgame.

“To measure a presentation’s success, you need to assess your audience members’ feelings and actions before you speak, while you speak, and after you’re done,” Duarte says.

Check out her article to find her specific recommendations.

How to get help with your own promotional efforts.

For many more ideas for getting your company more attention, visit our website at https://www.rga-pr.com. For help promoting your business, contact us anytime.

809 N. 8th Street, Suite 208, Sheboygan, WI 53081
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